Claire's Baptism (November 25, 2007)

After Thanksgiving and the Petroglyph Tour, Chris and I went up to Amy's for Claire's
Baptism. Chris and I are her Godparents, so we even participated in the event! These
pictures are from afterwards at Amy's house.

Andrew, Amy, Cade and Claire, with Claire in her Baptism dress.

Andrew, Amy, Claire, me, Chris and Cade. Claire is 7 months old here.

Amy, Andrew, Cade, Dad, Mom, Chris and me.

Chris and I in a rare photo (us together) - I think Cade took this picture.

Amy and Cade. I think Cade took this one too.

Me and Claire, again with Cade as the photographer.

Andrew jumping over Cade.

Cade giving Andrew a shoulder ride.

Claire watching her silly dad and brother.

Upsidedown Cade.

Cade wanting more.

Amy and Claire.

Claire getting walking lessons from her Gram.